ACF WEC Season 5 Races preset

An Assetto Corsa Skill Rating Championship
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Class # Driver Rating Team Points
LMH 1 028-EP-LMH Provisional EuroProton #2 86
2 094-PaddlUP-LMH Provisional PaddlUP Esports 75
3 027-ACFSK-LMH B -1041 ACFSK-EuroProton 72
4 023-Rebellion-LMH B -1258 Rebellion Racing (2 races), EuroProton #1 (2 races) 61
5 995-PodPivasik-LMH Provisional PodPivasik Racing Team 49
6 068-KTM-LMH B -1400 KTM PSC 33
7 008-P2W-LMH Provisional Pay2Win Motorsport 28
8 428-Bejauoi-LMH Provisional Bejauoi Racing 16
9 064-Racetech-LMH A+ 4099 RACETECH 12
LMP2 1 082-Valkyrie-LMP2 B -1465 Valkyrie E-Racing #1 90
2 313-DuckTales-LMP2 Provisional DuckTales Racing 84
3 078-Valkyrie-LMP2 B -966 Valkyrie E-Racing #2 72
4 067-Chrono-LMP2 Provisional Chrono Motorsports 58
5 802-FLODT-LMP2 Provisional FLODT Racing 42
6 025-RaceTec-LMP2 Provisional RaceTec eSports 35
7 025-RaceTec-LMP2 Provisional RaceTec eSports 32
8 555-BrakingPoint-LMP2 Provisional Braking Point Racing 26
9 502-Heineken-LMP2 Provisional Heineken Racing Team 19
10 550-Skywalker-LMP2 Provisional RaceTec eSports 14
11 111-BrumBrum-LMP2 Provisional BrumBrum Racing 14
12 883-Aero-LMP2 Provisional Aero Racing Team 12
13 216-BrakingPoint-LMP2 Provisional Braking Point Racing 12
14 555-BrakingPoint-LMP2 Points Penalty: 12 Provisional TryHard Racing 0
15 802-FLODT-LMP2 Points Penalty: 20 Provisional FLODT Racing 0
16 078-Valkyrie-LMP2 Points Penalty: 16 Provisional Valkyrie E-Racing #2 0
GTE 1 037-Rennwerk-GTE B -306 Rennwerk Racing #1 89
2 052-WATT-GTE B -2085 WATT-EuroProton 65
3 052-WATT-GTE B -2085 WATT-EuroProton 56
4 005-Deak-GTE B -2236 Deak Motorsport 41
5 097-DempseyProton-GTE Provisional Dempsey Proton Competition 39
6 053-FastBanana-GTE B -1268 Fast Banana Racing 35
7 005-Deak-GTE B -2236 Deak Motorsport 31
8 039-BrakingPoint-GTE Provisional Braking Point Racing 28
9 666-Rowe-GTE Provisional Rowe Racing 23
10 014-Argentina-GTE Provisional Argentina Racing 22
11 777-EP-GTE B 11 EuroProton #3 19
12 187-Ruhrpott-GTE Provisional Ruhrpott Racing Team 16
13 080-Dempsey-GTE Provisional Dempsey Proton 16
14 006-Benchmark-GTE Provisional Benchmark Racing 14
15 097-EP-GTE Provisional EuroProton #4 10
Safety Car 1 SC Provisional ACF 0
Class # Team Points
LMH 1 EuroProton #2 86
2 PaddlUP Esports 75
3 ACFSK-EuroProton 72
4 PodPivasik Racing Team 49
5 Rebellion Racing 37
6 KTM PSC 33
7 Pay2Win Motorsport 28
8 EuroProton #1 24
9 Bejauoi Racing 16
LMP2 1 Valkyrie E-Racing #1 90
2 DuckTales Racing 84
3 Valkyrie E-Racing #2 72
4 Chrono Motorsports 58
5 RaceTec eSports 49
6 FLODT Racing 32
7 Braking Point Racing 26
8 Heineken Racing Team 19
9 BrumBrum Racing 14
10 Aero Racing Team 12
11 TryHard Racing 12
GTE 1 Rennwerk Racing #1 89
2 WATT-EuroProton 65
3 Deak Motorsport 60
4 Dempsey Proton Competition 39
5 Fast Banana Racing 35
6 Braking Point Racing 28
7 Rowe Racing 23
8 Argentina Racing 22
9 EuroProton #3 19
10 Dempsey Proton 16
11 Ruhrpott Racing Team 16
12 Benchmark Racing 14
13 EuroProton #4 10
Safety Car 1 ACF 0
Pos Driver Monz GP Spa Nurb GP Imol Points Penalty Total Points
1 028 16 19 23 DNS 28 DNS 0 86
2 094 19 28 28 DNS DNS DNS 0 75
3 027 DNS 14 DNS DNS 19 DNS 0 72
4 023 12 12 14 DNS 23 DNS 0 61
5 995 14 16 19 DNS DNS DNS 0 49
6 068 10 23 DNS DNS DNS DNS 0 33
7 008 28 DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS 0 28
8 428 DNS DNS DNS DNS 16 DNS 0 16
9 064 DNS DNS 12 DNS DNS DNS 0 12
1 082 28 16 23 DNS 23 DNS 0 90
2 313 0 28 28 DNS 28 DNS 0 84
3 078 DNS DNS 14 DNS DNS DNS -16 72
4 067 DNS 23 19 DNS DNS DNS 0 58
5 802 12 DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS -30 42
6 025 19 DNS 16 DNS DNS DNS -16 35
7 025 19 DNS 16 DNS DNS DNS -16 32
8 555 DNS 14 DNS DNS DNS DNS -12 26
9 502 DNS DNS DNS DNS 19 DNS 0 19
10 550 DNS DNS DNS DNS 14 DNS 0 14
11 111 14 DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS 0 14
12 883 DNS DNS DNS DNS 12 DNS 0 12
13 216 DNS 12 DNS DNS DNS DNS 0 12
14 078 DNS DNS DNS DNS 16 DNS 16 0
15 802 DNS DNS DNS DNS 10 DNS 20 0
16 555 DNS DNS 12 DNS DNS DNS 12 0
1 037 28 19 28 DNS 14 DNS 0 89
2 052 23 14 DNS DNS 28 DNS -28 65
3 052 23 14 DNS DNS 28 DNS -28 56
4 005 6 16 19 DNS 19 DNS -6 41
5 097 DNS DNS DNS DNS 23 DNS 0 39
6 053 12 23 DNS DNS DNS DNS 0 35
7 005 6 16 19 DNS 19 DNS -6 31
8 039 DNS 28 DNS DNS DNS DNS 0 28
9 666 DNS DNS 23 DNS DNS DNS 0 23
10 014 DNS DNS 14 DNS DNS DNS 0 22
11 777 19 DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS 0 19
12 080 16 DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS 0 16
13 187 DNS DNS DNS DNS 16 DNS 0 16
14 006 14 DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS 0 14
15 097 10 DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS 0 10
1 SC 0 DNS 0 DNS DNS DNS 0 0
1st 2nd 3rd 4th - 10th > 10th No Points Underlined Track Name - Excluded from ignored worst results system
Class # Driver Rating Team Car Attendance
LMH 1 023-Rebellion-LMH B 2426 Rebellion Racing AC Friends Alpine A480 2022 / Acf Wec5 #023 Gerards Thoenissen 0 / 4
2 027-ACFSK-LMH Provisional ACFSK-EuroProton AC Friends Aston Martin Valkyrie AMR PRO / Acf Wec5 #027 Soehl Pristas 0 / 4
3 028-EP-LMH B 2426 EuroProton #2 AC Friends SCG007 LMH / Acf Wec5 028 Krause Zahn 0 / 4
4 428-Bejauoi-LMH Provisional Bejauoi Racing AC Friends SCG007 LMH / Acf Wec5 428 Roemer Wimmer 0 / 4
5 995-PodPivasik-LMH B 2426 PodPivasik Racing Team AC Friends Aston Martin Valkyrie AMR PRO / Acf Wec5 #995 Mackogonov Blinov 0 / 4
0 open slots
LMP2 1 078-Valkyrie-LMP2 Unranked Valkyrie E-Racing #2 LMP2 ORECA07 WEC / Acf Wec5 #078 Prochaska Hofer 0 / 4
2 082-Valkyrie-LMP2 B 4486 Valkyrie E-Racing #1 LMP2 ORECA07 WEC / Acf Wec5 #082 Ahnendorp Schneider 0 / 4
3 313-DuckTales-LMP2 B 2771 DuckTales Racing LMP2 Ligier JSP217 WEC / Acf Wec5 #313 Kexel Lautenshlager 0 / 4
4 502-Heineken-LMP2 Provisional Heineken Racing Team LMP2 ORECA07 WEC / Acf Wec5 #502 Waszak Piskulla 0 / 4
5 550-Skywalker-LMP2 Provisional RaceTec eSports LMP2 Dallara P217 WEC / Acf Wec5 #550 Schulz 1 / 4
6 802-FLODT-LMP2 Provisional FLODT Racing LMP2 Dallara P217 WEC / Acf Wec5 802 Daniels Snow 0 / 4
7 883-Aero-LMP2 Provisional Aero Racing Team LMP2 Ligier JSP217 WEC / Acf Wec5 883 Tasdelen Guldutuna 0 / 4
0 open slots
GTE 1 005-Deak-GTE B 3422 Deak Motorsport GTE 2 - Ferrari 488 GTE EVO 2019 / Acf Wec5 #005 Kelemen Nagy 0 / 4
2 037-Rennwerk-GTE B 2426 Rennwerk Racing #1 GTE 2 - Ford GTE 2018 / Acf Wec5 #037 Plinke Schramm 0 / 4
3 052-WATT-GTE Provisional WATT-EuroProton GTE 2 - Chevrolet Corvette C8R 2020 / Acf Wec5 #052 Sattler Huebscher 0 / 4
4 097-DempseyProton-GTE Provisional Dempsey Proton Competition GTE 2 - Porsche RSR 2021 / Acf Wec5 #059 Frei-Romianowski 0 / 4
5 187-Ruhrpott-GTE Provisional Ruhrpott Racing Team GTE 2 - BMW M8 2018 / Acf Wecs5 #187 Venn 0 / 4
6 666-Rowe-GTE Provisional Rowe Racing GTE 2 - BMW M8 2018 / Acf Wecs5 #666 Mehlhorn Gutwill 0 / 4
7 996-FFR-GTE Unranked FFR Racing URD AMR EGT 2019 / Acf Wec5 #996 Jungmann Grieser 0 / 4
0 open slots
Safety Car 1 SC Provisional ACF Safetycar - Porsche 992 Turbo S 2020 / Acf Wec5 Sc 2 / 4
2 Stream1 Provisional ACF Safetycar - Porsche 992 Turbo S 2020 / Acf Wec5 Sc 0 / 4
3 Stream2 Provisional ACF Safetycar - Porsche 992 Turbo S 2020 / Acf Wec5 Sc 0 / 4
0 open slots
Class # Driver Rating Car / Skin Status
LMH 0 open slots
LMP2 0 open slots
GTE 0 open slots
Safety Car 0 open slots
Class Place Points
LMH 1st 28
2nd 23
3rd 19
4th 16
5th 14
6th 12
7th 10
8th 8
9th 6
10th 5
Fastest Race Lap 0
Best Qualifying Lap 0
Most Laps Led 0
Collision with Other Car -0
Collision with Environment -0
Cut Track -0
Second Race Points Multiplier 1
LMP2 1st 28
2nd 23
3rd 19
4th 16
5th 14
6th 12
7th 10
8th 8
9th 2
10th 1
Fastest Race Lap 0
Best Qualifying Lap 0
Most Laps Led 0
Collision with Other Car -0
Collision with Environment -0
Cut Track -0
Second Race Points Multiplier 1
GTE 1st 28
2nd 23
3rd 19
4th 16
5th 14
6th 12
7th 10
8th 8
9th 6
10th 5
11th 3
12th 1
13th 0
14th 0
Fastest Race Lap 0
Best Qualifying Lap 0
Most Laps Led 0
Collision with Other Car -0
Collision with Environment -0
Cut Track -0
Second Race Points Multiplier 1
Safety Car 1st 0
2nd 0
3rd 0
4th 0
5th 0
6th 0
7th 0
8th 0
9th 0
10th 0
Fastest Race Lap 0
Best Qualifying Lap 0
Most Laps Led 0
Collision with Other Car -0
Collision with Environment -0
Cut Track -0
Second Race Points Multiplier 1

Car Skin
1st Place

EuroProton #2

Car Skin
2nd Place

PaddlUP Esports

Car Skin
3rd Place


Car Skin
4th Place

Rebellion Racing

Car Skin
5th Place

PodPivasik Racing Team

Car Skin
6th Place


Car Skin
7th Place

Pay2Win Motorsport

Car Skin
8th Place

Bejauoi Racing

Car Skin
9th Place


Car Skin
1st Place

Valkyrie E-Racing #1

Car Skin
2nd Place

DuckTales Racing

Car Skin
3rd Place

Valkyrie E-Racing #2

Car Skin
4th Place

Chrono Motorsports

Car Skin
5th Place

FLODT Racing

Car Skin
6th Place

RaceTec eSports

Car Skin
7th Place

RaceTec eSports

Car Skin
8th Place

Braking Point Racing

Car Skin
9th Place

Heineken Racing Team

Car Skin
10th Place

RaceTec eSports

Car Skin
11th Place

BrumBrum Racing

Car Skin
12th Place

Aero Racing Team

Car Skin
13th Place

Braking Point Racing

Car Skin
14th Place

FLODT Racing

Car Skin
15th Place

Valkyrie E-Racing #2

Car Skin
16th Place

TryHard Racing

Car Skin
1st Place

Rennwerk Racing #1

Car Skin
2nd Place


Car Skin
3rd Place


Car Skin
4th Place

Deak Motorsport

Car Skin
5th Place

Dempsey Proton Competition

Car Skin
6th Place

Fast Banana Racing

Car Skin
7th Place

Deak Motorsport

Car Skin
8th Place

Braking Point Racing

Car Skin
9th Place

Rowe Racing

Car Skin
10th Place

Argentina Racing

Car Skin
11th Place

EuroProton #3

Car Skin
12th Place

Ruhrpott Racing Team

Car Skin
13th Place

Dempsey Proton

Car Skin
14th Place

Benchmark Racing

Car Skin
15th Place

EuroProton #4

Car Skin
Safety Car
1st Place



This Championship currently has 6 events configured.

Monza OSRW, Italy
Completed on Saturday, April 30, 2022 10:15 PM (CEST)
  • Practice : 55 minutes
  • Qualifying : 55 minutes
  • Race : 240 minutes
  • LMH Winner
  • LMP2 Winner
  • GTE Winner
  • Safety Car Winner
Best Qualifying
LMH: 094-PaddlUP-LMH
LMP2: 313-DuckTales-LMP2

Fastest Lap
LMH: 094-PaddlUP-LMH
LMP2: 313-DuckTales-LMP2
Safety Car: SC

Most Laps Led
LMH: 023-Rebellion-LMH
Safety Car: SC

monza monza_osrw

View detailed results breakdown for this Session

Class # Overall # Name Car Best Practice Lap Average Lap Laps
1 1 AC Friends Alpine A480 2022 01:32.723
Tyre: M
01:33.648 15 laps / 5 cuts
2 2 AC Friends Aston Martin Valkyrie AMR PRO 01:33.074
Tyre: M
01:40.529 7 laps / 4 cuts
3 3 AC Friends Peugeot 9X8 2022 01:33.432
Tyre: M
01:34.956 18 laps / 6 cuts
4 4 AC Friends Peugeot 9X8 2022 01:33.482
Tyre: M
01:34.573 10 laps / 2 cuts
5 5 AC Friends Toyota Hybrid GR010 2022 01:33.989
Tyre: M
01:34.269 11 laps / 5 cuts
6 6 AC Friends SCG007 LMH 01:34.112
Tyre: M
01:35.072 10 laps / 2 cuts
7 7 AC Friends Toyota Hybrid GR010 2022 01:34.200
Tyre: M
01:35.528 9 laps / 6 cuts
8 8 AC Friends Aston Martin Valkyrie AMR PRO 01:35.964
Tyre: M
01:55.662 9 laps / 4 cuts
9 9 AC Friends Alpine A480 2022 01:36.536
Tyre: M
01:39.330 3 laps / 1 cuts
1 10 LMP2 Ligier JSP217 WEC 01:38.004
Tyre: M
01:40.094 20 laps / 5 cuts
2 11 LMP2 Ligier JSP217 WEC 01:38.852
Tyre: M
01:40.288 13 laps / 7 cuts
3 12 LMP2 ORECA07 WEC 01:39.174
Tyre: M
01:39.581 6 laps / 2 cuts
4 13 LMP2 ORECA07 WEC 01:39.279
Tyre: M
01:39.797 8 laps / 2 cuts
5 14 LMP2 Dallara P217 WEC 01:39.788
Tyre: M
01:41.287 18 laps / 9 cuts
6 15 LMP2 Dallara P217 WEC 01:39.908
Tyre: M
01:41.650 21 laps / 10 cuts
7 16 LMP2 Ligier JSP217 WEC 01:41.586
Tyre: M
01:41.653 3 laps / 1 cuts
1 17 GTE 2 - Porsche RSR 2021 01:43.911
Tyre: S
01:46.798 14 laps / 5 cuts
2 18 GTE 2 - Chevrolet Corvette C8R 2020 01:44.706
Tyre: S
01:46.129 14 laps / 5 cuts
3 19 URD AMR EGT 2019 01:44.747
Tyre: S
01:45.598 19 laps / 9 cuts
4 20 GTE 2 - Chevrolet Corvette C8R 2020 01:44.990
Tyre: S
01:46.573 17 laps / 4 cuts
5 21 GTE 2 - Ferrari 488 GTE EVO 2019 01:45.244
Tyre: S
01:46.287 8 laps / 3 cuts
6 22 GTE 2 - Porsche RSR 2021 01:45.792
Tyre: S
01:47.529 9 laps / 3 cuts
7 23 GTE 2 - Ford GTE 2018 01:45.922
Tyre: S
01:46.558 3 laps / 1 cuts
8 24 GTE 2 - Ferrari 488 GTE EVO 2019 01:45.936
Tyre: S
01:46.799 11 laps / 3 cuts
9 25 GTE 2 - Porsche RSR 2021 01:46.077
Tyre: S
01:48.137 13 laps / 5 cuts

View detailed results breakdown for this Session

Class # Overall # Name Car Qualifying Time Average Lap Laps
1 1 AC Friends Alpine A480 2022 01:32.571
Tyre: M
01:33.603 9 laps / 5 cuts
2 2 AC Friends Aston Martin Valkyrie AMR PRO 01:32.859
Tyre: M
01:33.528 9 laps / 4 cuts
3 3 AC Friends Peugeot 9X8 2022 01:33.148
Tyre: M
01:33.449 9 laps / 6 cuts
4 4 AC Friends SCG007 LMH 01:33.251
Tyre: M
01:34.497 9 laps / 5 cuts
5 5 AC Friends Peugeot 9X8 2022 01:33.298
Tyre: M
01:33.527 8 laps / 3 cuts
6 6 AC Friends Toyota Hybrid GR010 2022 01:33.519
Tyre: M
01:34.061 8 laps / 2 cuts
7 7 AC Friends Toyota Hybrid GR010 2022 01:33.531
Tyre: M
01:34.158 9 laps / 5 cuts
8 8 AC Friends Aston Martin Valkyrie AMR PRO 01:34.161
Tyre: M
01:35.056 10 laps / 2 cuts
9 9 AC Friends Alpine A480 2022 01:34.642
Tyre: M
01:36.297 8 laps / 2 cuts
1 10 LMP2 Ligier JSP217 WEC 01:37.327
Tyre: M
01:38.503 9 laps / 1 cuts
2 11 LMP2 ORECA07 WEC 01:38.265
Tyre: M
01:39.293 7 laps / 4 cuts
3 12 LMP2 ORECA07 WEC 01:38.342
Tyre: M
01:38.823 8 laps / 2 cuts
4 13 LMP2 Ligier JSP217 WEC 01:38.406
Tyre: M
01:38.667 6 laps / 4 cuts
5 14 LMP2 Dallara P217 WEC 01:39.447
Tyre: M
01:40.886 8 laps / 4 cuts
6 15 LMP2 Ligier JSP217 WEC 01:40.259
Tyre: M
01:40.259 3 laps / 2 cuts
7 16 LMP2 Dallara P217 WEC 01:40.904
Tyre: M
01:42.013 8 laps / 4 cuts
8 17 LMP2 Dallara P217 WEC 01:41.196
Tyre: M
01:42.414 6 laps / 2 cuts
1 18 GTE 2 - Porsche RSR 2021 01:43.996
Tyre: S
01:44.102 7 laps / 3 cuts
2 19 GTE 2 - Chevrolet Corvette C8R 2020 01:44.272
Tyre: S
01:44.470 8 laps / 4 cuts
3 20 GTE 2 - Porsche RSR 2021 01:44.402
Tyre: S
01:44.780 9 laps / 4 cuts
4 21 GTE 2 - Ford GTE 2018 01:44.661
Tyre: S
01:45.104 4 laps / 3 cuts
5 22 URD AMR EGT 2019 01:44.748
Tyre: S
01:45.238 7 laps / 2 cuts
6 23 GTE 2 - Ferrari 488 GTE EVO 2019 01:45.163
Tyre: S
01:45.770 6 laps / 3 cuts
7 24 GTE 2 - Porsche RSR 2021 01:45.168
Tyre: S
01:45.637 8 laps / 4 cuts
8 25 GTE 2 - Chevrolet Corvette C8R 2020 01:45.569
Tyre: S
01:46.439 8 laps / 4 cuts
9 26 GTE 2 - Ferrari 488 GTE EVO 2019 01:46.210
Tyre: S
01:46.210 4 laps / 3 cuts

View detailed results breakdown for this Session

Class # Overall # Name Team Car Total Race Time Num Laps Best Lap Average Clean Lap Collisions
1 1 AC Friends Peugeot 9X8 2022 04:00:58.022 143 laps / 12 cuts 01:33.995
Tyre: M
01:35.386 9
2 2 AC Friends Aston Martin Valkyrie AMR PRO 04:02:04.180 143 laps / 10 cuts 01:33.740
Tyre: M
01:35.634 4
3 3 AC Friends Alpine A480 2022 04:02:06.738 143 laps / 15 cuts 01:32.695
Tyre: M
01:34.448 5
4 4 AC Friends SCG007 LMH 04:01:38.716 142 laps / 11 cuts 01:34.151
Tyre: M
01:36.350 8
5 5 AC Friends Aston Martin Valkyrie AMR PRO 04:01:50.324 142 laps / 11 cuts 01:34.471
Tyre: M
01:36.076 10 (+1 after session)
6 6 AC Friends Alpine A480 2022 04:00:59.787 141 laps / 11 cuts 01:34.343
Tyre: M
01:36.490 5
7 7 AC Friends Peugeot 9X8 2022 04:01:55.462 140 laps / 14 cuts 01:33.783
Tyre: M
01:37.144 18
8 27 AC Friends Toyota Hybrid GR010 2022 01:12:57.895 42 laps / 6 cuts 01:34.191
Tyre: M
01:35.682 8
1 8 LMP2 ORECA07 WEC 04:01:17.633 133 laps / 14 cuts 01:38.549
Tyre: M
01:41.167 3
2 9 LMP2 ORECA07 WEC 04:01:35.234 132 laps / 17 cuts 01:39.036
Tyre: M
01:40.741 4
3 10 LMP2 Dallara P217 WEC 04:01:36.641 132 laps / 14 cuts 01:39.538
Tyre: M
01:42.069 9 (+1 after session)
4 12 LMP2 Ligier JSP217 WEC 04:01:38.742 129 laps / 19 cuts 01:38.131
Tyre: M
01:39.999 5
5 14 LMP2 Dallara P217 WEC 04:02:43.655 129 laps / 20 cuts 01:39.448
Tyre: M
01:43.347 12
6 17 LMP2 Dallara P217 WEC 04:01:33.210 128 laps / 26 cuts 01:40.202
Tyre: M
01:43.705 17
7 24 LMP2 Ligier JSP217 WEC 03:17:54.328 106 laps / 15 cuts 01:38.443
Tyre: M
01:40.712 10
8 25 LMP2 Ligier JSP217 WEC 02:58:11.517 94 laps / 13 cuts 01:37.715
Tyre: M
01:40.727 5
1 11 GTE 2 - Ford GTE 2018 04:00:59.939 129 laps / 10 cuts 01:45.542
Tyre: S
01:47.030 14
2 13 GTE 2 - Chevrolet Corvette C8R 2020 04:02:06.406 129 laps / 14 cuts 01:44.079
Tyre: S
01:46.007 8
3 15 GTE 2 - Porsche RSR 2021 04:01:06.779 128 laps / 11 cuts 01:44.354
Tyre: S
01:46.430 14
4 16 GTE 2 - Porsche RSR 2021 04:01:09.213 128 laps / 13 cuts 01:45.160
Tyre: S
01:46.437 3
5 18 GTE 2 - Chevrolet Corvette C8R 2020 04:02:19.732 128 laps / 9 cuts 01:45.625
Tyre: S
01:48.352 13
6 19 URD AMR EGT 2019 04:02:29.202 128 laps / 16 cuts 01:45.325
Tyre: S
01:46.903 6
7 20 GTE 2 - Porsche RSR 2021 04:04:01.099 127 laps / 24 cuts 01:45.506
Tyre: S
01:48.170 10
8 21 GTE 2 - Ford GTE 2018 04:01:28.395 126 laps / 12 cuts 01:46.638
Tyre: S
01:49.456 8
9 22 GTE 2 - Ferrari 488 GTE EVO 2019 04:02:02.052 124 laps / 8 cuts 01:45.232
Tyre: S
01:48.277 18
10 26 GTE 2 - Ferrari 488 GTE EVO 2019 01:59:04.892 61 laps / 11 cuts 01:45.437
Tyre: S
01:50.781 16
Safety Car
1 23 ACF Safetycar - Porsche 992 Turbo S 2020 00:02:48.913 1 laps / 0 cuts 02:48.908
Tyre: Cup 2
00:00.000 0
Class # Name Team Car Points
LMH 1 008-P2W-LMH Pay2Win Motorsport AC Friends Peugeot 9X8 2022 28
2 027-ACFSK-LMH ACFSK-EuroProton AC Friends Aston Martin Valkyrie AMR PRO 23
3 094-PaddlUP-LMH PaddlUP Esports AC Friends Alpine A480 2022 19
4 028-EP-LMH EuroProton #2 AC Friends SCG007 LMH 16
5 995-PodPivasik-LMH PodPivasik Racing Team AC Friends Aston Martin Valkyrie AMR PRO 14
6 023-EP-LMH EuroProton #1 AC Friends Alpine A480 2022 12
7 068-KTM-LMH KTM PSC AC Friends Peugeot 9X8 2022 10
LMP2 1 082-Valkyrie-LMP2 Valkyrie E-Racing #1 LMP2 ORECA07 WEC 28
2 078-Valkyrie-LMP2 Valkyrie E-Racing #2 LMP2 ORECA07 WEC 23
3 025-RaceTec-LMP2 RaceTec eSports LMP2 Dallara P217 WEC 19
4 067-Chrono-LMP2 Chrono Motorsports LMP2 Ligier JSP217 WEC 16
5 111-BrumBrum-LMP2 BrumBrum Racing LMP2 Dallara P217 WEC 14
6 802-FLODT-LMP2 FLODT Racing LMP2 Dallara P217 WEC 12
7 313-DuckTales-LMP2 DuckTales Racing LMP2 Ligier JSP217 WEC 0
GTE 1 037-Rennwerk-GTE Rennwerk Racing #1 GTE 2 - Ford GTE 2018 28
2 052-WATT-GTE WATT-EuroProton GTE 2 - Chevrolet Corvette C8R 2020 23
3 777-EP-GTE EuroProton #3 GTE 2 - Porsche RSR 2021 19
4 080-Dempsey-GTE Dempsey Proton GTE 2 - Porsche RSR 2021 16
5 006-Benchmark-GTE Benchmark Racing GTE 2 - Chevrolet Corvette C8R 2020 14
6 053-FastBanana-GTE Fast Banana Racing URD AMR EGT 2019 12
7 097-EP-GTE EuroProton #4 GTE 2 - Porsche RSR 2021 10
8 014-Argentina-GTE Argentina Racing GTE 2 - Ford GTE 2018 8
9 005-Deak-GTE Deak Motorsport GTE 2 - Ferrari 488 GTE EVO 2019 6
Safety Car 1 SC ACF Safetycar - Porsche 992 Turbo S 2020 0
GP Endurance - Le Mans FM7 - performance, France
Completed on Saturday, May 21, 2022 11:22 PM (CEST)
  • Practice : 55 minutes
  • Qualifying : 55 minutes
  • Race : 600 minutes
  • LMH Winner
  • LMP2 Winner
  • GTE Winner
Best Qualifying
LMH: 094-PaddlUP-LMH
LMP2: 067-Chrono-LMP2
GTE: 053-FastBanana-GTE

Fastest Lap
LMH: 094-PaddlUP-LMH
LMP2: 313-DuckTales-LMP2
GTE: 039-BrakingPoint-GTE

Most Laps Led
LMH: 023-Rebellion-LMH

sx_lemans chicaneperf

View detailed results breakdown for this Session

Class # Overall # Name Car Qualifying Time Average Lap Laps
1 1 AC Friends Alpine A480 2022 03:21.799
Tyre: M
03:21.835 4 laps / 4 cuts
2 2 AC Friends SCG007 LMH 03:22.609
Tyre: M
03:22.637 3 laps / 1 cuts
3 3 AC Friends Peugeot 9X8 2022 03:23.650
Tyre: M
03:23.650 3 laps / 2 cuts
4 4 AC Friends Aston Martin Valkyrie AMR PRO 03:24.002
Tyre: M
03:24.414 4 laps / 2 cuts
5 5 AC Friends SCG007 LMH 03:24.006
Tyre: M
03:24.441 5 laps / 1 cuts
6 6 AC Friends Toyota Hybrid GR010 2022 03:25.335
Tyre: M
03:26.143 4 laps / 2 cuts
7 7 AC Friends Alpine A480 2022 03:28.023
Tyre: M
03:28.023 4 laps / 3 cuts
1 8 LMP2 Ligier JSP217 WEC 03:32.986
Tyre: M
03:33.790 4 laps / 4 cuts
2 9 LMP2 Dallara P217 WEC 03:33.848
Tyre: M
03:34.838 5 laps / 2 cuts
3 10 LMP2 ORECA07 WEC 03:34.008
Tyre: M
03:34.101 4 laps / 1 cuts
4 11 LMP2 Ligier JSP217 WEC 03:34.673
Tyre: M
03:34.673 4 laps / 3 cuts
5 12 LMP2 ORECA07 WEC 03:35.534
Tyre: M
03:35.534 4 laps / 3 cuts
6 13 LMP2 Ligier JSP217 WEC 03:35.671
Tyre: M
03:38.031 5 laps / 2 cuts
7 14 LMP2 ORECA07 WEC 03:36.667
Tyre: M
03:36.667 5 laps / 4 cuts
1 15 URD AMR EGT 2019 03:45.820
Tyre: S
03:46.484 5 laps / 3 cuts
2 16 GTE 2 - Porsche RSR 2021 03:46.000
Tyre: S
03:46.503 4 laps / 4 cuts
3 17 GTE 2 - BMW M8 2018 03:47.493
Tyre: S
03:54.297 5 laps / 3 cuts
4 18 GTE 2 - Chevrolet Corvette C8R 2020 03:48.201
Tyre: S
03:48.201 4 laps / 3 cuts
5 19 GTE 2 - Chevrolet Corvette C8R 2020 03:49.733
Tyre: S
03:50.303 4 laps / 2 cuts
6 20 GTE 2 - Ferrari 488 GTE EVO 2019 03:50.621
Tyre: S
03:54.809 5 laps / 2 cuts
7 21 GTE 2 - Ford GTE 2018 03:51.711
Tyre: S
03:51.711 4 laps / 3 cuts
8 22 GTE 2 - Porsche RSR 2021 03:52.037
Tyre: S
03:52.037 4 laps / 3 cuts

View detailed results breakdown for this Session

Class # Overall # Name Car Total Race Time Num Laps Best Lap Average Clean Lap Collisions
1 1 AC Friends Alpine A480 2022 10:02:36.997 166 laps / 30 cuts 03:21.220
Tyre: M
03:23.881 8
2 2 AC Friends Peugeot 9X8 2022 10:02:46.368 164 laps / 34 cuts 03:22.126
Tyre: M
03:25.884 15
3 3 AC Friends SCG007 LMH 10:02:52.689 164 laps / 29 cuts 03:23.529
Tyre: M
03:27.384 12
4 4 AC Friends Aston Martin Valkyrie AMR PRO 10:04:33.161 163 laps / 28 cuts 03:23.436
Tyre: M
03:28.180 7
5 5 AC Friends Aston Martin Valkyrie AMR PRO 10:02:39.450 160 laps / 27 cuts 03:22.511
Tyre: M
03:28.646 9 (+1 after session)
6 16 AC Friends Alpine A480 2022 10:04:29.192 103 laps / 24 cuts 03:25.923
Tyre: M
03:30.614 10
7 18 AC Friends Toyota Hybrid GR010 2022 04:03:52.881 61 laps / 15 cuts 03:25.562
Tyre: M
03:28.326 5
8 21 AC Friends SCG007 LMH 01:56:42.888 31 laps / 15 cuts 03:23.426
Tyre: M
03:26.808 14
1 6 LMP2 Ligier JSP217 WEC 10:05:13.253 154 laps / 39 cuts 03:31.113
Tyre: M
03:35.514 5 (+1 after session)
2 7 LMP2 Ligier JSP217 WEC 10:02:44.982 153 laps / 47 cuts 03:32.824
Tyre: M
03:36.210 2
3 8 LMP2 ORECA07 WEC 10:03:29.252 153 laps / 36 cuts 03:32.746
Tyre: M
03:37.553 9
4 9 LMP2 ORECA07 WEC 09:58:57.628 151 laps / 37 cuts 03:33.763
Tyre: M
03:36.539 15
5 11 LMP2 ORECA07 WEC 10:05:13.074 150 laps / 40 cuts 03:36.176
Tyre: M
03:40.520 26 (+4 after session)
6 14 LMP2 Ligier JSP217 WEC 10:05:13.117 148 laps / 38 cuts 03:35.793
Tyre: M
03:41.685 29 (+4 after session)
7 23 LMP2 Dallara P217 WEC 00:34:50.173 9 laps / 2 cuts 03:33.858
Tyre: M
03:35.993 0
1 10 GTE 2 - BMW M8 2018 10:05:12.708 150 laps / 24 cuts 03:46.394
Tyre: S
03:48.630 6 (+5 after session)
2 12 URD AMR EGT 2019 10:05:15.788 149 laps / 29 cuts 03:47.905
Tyre: S
03:51.570 12
3 13 GTE 2 - Ford GTE 2018 10:05:20.328 149 laps / 28 cuts 03:48.478
Tyre: S
03:51.615 6
4 15 GTE 2 - Ferrari 488 GTE EVO 2019 10:03:30.364 141 laps / 31 cuts 03:48.319
Tyre: S
03:55.048 43 (+2 after session)
5 17 GTE 2 - Chevrolet Corvette C8R 2020 10:03:20.221 88 laps / 18 cuts 03:48.674
Tyre: S
03:52.550 12 (+2 after session)
6 19 GTE 2 - Porsche RSR 2021 04:01:50.284 57 laps / 13 cuts 03:48.363
Tyre: S
03:51.060 8
7 20 GTE 2 - Chevrolet Corvette C8R 2020 02:27:19.174 35 laps / 8 cuts 03:51.503
Tyre: S
03:57.057 10
8 22 GTE 2 - Porsche RSR 2021 01:54:16.552 27 laps / 7 cuts 03:52.271
Tyre: S
03:54.487 4
Class # Name Team Car Points
LMH 1 094-PaddlUP-LMH PaddlUP Esports AC Friends Alpine A480 2022 28
2 068-KTM-LMH KTM PSC AC Friends Peugeot 9X8 2022 23
3 028-EP-LMH EuroProton #2 AC Friends SCG007 LMH 19
4 995-PodPivasik-LMH PodPivasik Racing Team AC Friends Aston Martin Valkyrie AMR PRO 16
5 027-ACFSK-LMH ACFSK-EuroProton AC Friends Aston Martin Valkyrie AMR PRO 14
6 023-EP-LMH EuroProton #1 AC Friends Alpine A480 2022 12
LMP2 1 313-DuckTales-LMP2 DuckTales Racing LMP2 Ligier JSP217 WEC 28
2 067-Chrono-LMP2 Chrono Motorsports LMP2 Ligier JSP217 WEC 23
3 078-Valkyrie-LMP2 Valkyrie E-Racing #2 LMP2 ORECA07 WEC 19
4 082-Valkyrie-LMP2 Valkyrie E-Racing #1 LMP2 ORECA07 WEC 16
5 555-BrakingPoint-LMP2 Braking Point Racing LMP2 ORECA07 WEC 14
6 216-BrakingPoint-LMP2 Braking Point Racing LMP2 Ligier JSP217 WEC 12
GTE 1 039-BrakingPoint-GTE Braking Point Racing GTE 2 - BMW M8 2018 28
2 053-FastBanana-GTE Fast Banana Racing URD AMR EGT 2019 23
3 037-Rennwerk-GTE Rennwerk Racing #1 GTE 2 - Ford GTE 2018 19
4 005-Deak-GTE Deak Motorsport GTE 2 - Ferrari 488 GTE EVO 2019 16
5 052-WATT-GTE WATT-EuroProton GTE 2 - Chevrolet Corvette C8R 2020 14
Spa 2022, Belgium
Completed on Saturday, October 29, 2022 10:43 PM (CEST)
  • Practice : 55 minutes
  • Qualifying : 55 minutes
  • Race : 360 minutes
  • LMH Winner
  • LMP2 Winner
  • GTE Winner
  • Safety Car Winner
Best Qualifying
LMH: 094-PaddlUP-LMH
LMP2: 313-DuckTales-LMP2
GTE: 097-DempseyProton-GTE

Fastest Lap
LMH: 094-PaddlUP-LMH
LMP2: 313-DuckTales-LMP2
GTE: 666-Rowe-GTE
Safety Car: SC

Most Laps Led
LMH: 094-PaddlUP-LMH
LMP2: 313-DuckTales-LMP2
GTE: 037-Rennwerk-GTE
Safety Car: SC

spa 2022

View detailed results breakdown for this Session

Class # Overall # Name Team Car Best Practice Lap Average Lap Laps
1 1 AC Friends Alpine A480 2022 01:59.056
Tyre: M
02:14.442 14 laps / 0 cuts
2 2 AC Friends SCG007 LMH 02:00.475
Tyre: M
02:01.756 13 laps / 0 cuts
3 3 AC Friends Aston Martin Valkyrie AMR PRO 02:00.852
Tyre: M
02:17.657 10 laps / 0 cuts
4 4 AC Friends Alpine A480 2022 02:01.616
Tyre: M
03:27.038 5 laps / 0 cuts
5 5 AC Friends Aston Martin Valkyrie AMR PRO 02:04.008
Tyre: M
02:20.180 7 laps / 0 cuts
1 6 LMP2 ORECA07 WEC 02:04.649
Tyre: M
02:40.592 12 laps / 0 cuts
2 7 LMP2 Ligier JSP217 WEC 02:04.822
Tyre: M
02:18.326 14 laps / 0 cuts
3 8 LMP2 Ligier JSP217 WEC 02:04.864
Tyre: M
02:09.457 20 laps / 0 cuts
4 9 LMP2 Dallara P217 WEC 02:04.881
Tyre: M
02:14.224 20 laps / 0 cuts
5 10 LMP2 ORECA07 WEC 02:06.272
Tyre: M
02:15.592 17 laps / 0 cuts
6 11 LMP2 ORECA07 WEC 02:06.679
Tyre: M
03:14.703 6 laps / 0 cuts
1 12 GTE 2 - Ford GTE 2018 02:13.829
Tyre: S
02:18.154 15 laps / 0 cuts
2 13 GTE 2 - Porsche RSR 2021 02:14.037
Tyre: S
02:18.871 17 laps / 0 cuts
3 14 GTE 2 - BMW M8 2018 02:14.336
Tyre: S
02:15.437 10 laps / 0 cuts
4 15 GTE 2 - Ford GTE 2018 02:18.918
Tyre: S
02:57.867 13 laps / 0 cuts
5 17 GTE 2 - Ferrari 488 GTE EVO 2019 277:46:39.999
Tyre: ?
00:00.000 1 laps / 0 cuts
Safety Car
1 16 ACF Safetycar - Porsche 992 Turbo S 2020 10:59.598
Tyre: Cup 2
10:59.598 2 laps / 0 cuts

View detailed results breakdown for this Session

Class # Overall # Name Car Qualifying Time Average Lap Laps
1 1 AC Friends Alpine A480 2022 01:58.595
Tyre: M
02:02.796 3 laps / 0 cuts
2 2 AC Friends SCG007 LMH 01:58.790
Tyre: M
02:03.681 8 laps / 0 cuts
3 3 AC Friends Toyota Hybrid GR010 2022 02:00.116
Tyre: M
02:00.650 7 laps / 0 cuts
4 4 AC Friends Aston Martin Valkyrie AMR PRO 02:00.401
Tyre: M
02:12.841 7 laps / 0 cuts
5 5 AC Friends Aston Martin Valkyrie AMR PRO 02:00.921
Tyre: M
02:12.185 8 laps / 0 cuts
6 6 AC Friends Alpine A480 2022 02:01.010
Tyre: M
02:12.799 7 laps / 0 cuts
1 7 LMP2 Ligier JSP217 WEC 02:02.883
Tyre: M
02:13.431 9 laps / 0 cuts
2 8 LMP2 Dallara P217 WEC 02:04.391
Tyre: M
02:16.512 9 laps / 0 cuts
3 9 LMP2 Ligier JSP217 WEC 02:04.525
Tyre: M
02:04.939 4 laps / 0 cuts
4 10 LMP2 ORECA07 WEC 02:04.568
Tyre: M
02:21.007 7 laps / 0 cuts
5 11 LMP2 Dallara P217 WEC 02:04.598
Tyre: M
02:09.161 9 laps / 0 cuts
6 12 LMP2 ORECA07 WEC 02:06.415
Tyre: M
02:12.438 7 laps / 0 cuts
7 13 LMP2 ORECA07 WEC 02:06.507
Tyre: M
02:23.340 8 laps / 0 cuts
1 14 GTE 2 - Porsche RSR 2021 02:13.840
Tyre: S
02:26.778 7 laps / 0 cuts
2 15 GTE 2 - Ferrari 488 GTE EVO 2019 02:14.007
Tyre: S
02:26.680 8 laps / 0 cuts
3 16 GTE 2 - BMW M8 2018 02:14.021
Tyre: S
02:25.120 6 laps / 0 cuts
4 17 GTE 2 - Ford GTE 2018 02:14.246
Tyre: S
02:17.203 7 laps / 0 cuts
5 18 GTE 2 - Ford GTE 2018 02:17.849
Tyre: S
02:33.149 6 laps / 0 cuts

View detailed results breakdown for this Session

Class # Overall # Name Team Car Gained/Lost Total Race Time Num Laps Best Lap Average Clean Lap Collisions
1 1 AC Friends Alpine A480 2022 06:00:31.661 169 laps / 0 cuts 01:59.047
Tyre: M
02:00.958 5
2 2 AC Friends SCG007 LMH 06:01:02.208 169 laps / 0 cuts 01:59.247
Tyre: M
02:01.539 1
3 3 AC Friends Aston Martin Valkyrie AMR PRO 1 06:01:45.089 166 laps / 0 cuts 02:00.587
Tyre: M
02:03.036 3 (+3 after session)
4 4 AC Friends Aston Martin Valkyrie AMR PRO 1 06:02:14.223 163 laps / 0 cuts 02:00.308
Tyre: M
02:04.312 4
5 16 AC Friends Alpine A480 2022 10 06:02:29.407 53 laps / 0 cuts 02:01.089
Tyre: M
02:03.340 3
6 18 AC Friends Toyota Hybrid GR010 2022 15 00:10:36.865 4 laps / 0 cuts 02:02.699
Tyre: M
02:09.759 2
1 5 LMP2 Ligier JSP217 WEC 2 06:01:38.457 161 laps / 0 cuts 02:02.984
Tyre: M
02:05.676 3
2 6 LMP2 ORECA07 WEC 4 06:02:09.056 160 laps / 0 cuts 02:04.731
Tyre: M
02:06.653 4 (+3 after session)
3 7 LMP2 Ligier JSP217 WEC 2 06:00:43.425 159 laps / 0 cuts 02:03.889
Tyre: M
02:05.751 5 (+1 after session)
4 8 LMP2 Dallara P217 WEC 3 06:02:14.834 159 laps / 0 cuts 02:04.569
Tyre: M
02:07.352 4
5 9 LMP2 ORECA07 WEC 4 06:00:47.358 157 laps / 0 cuts 02:05.505
Tyre: M
02:08.459 4 (+2 after session)
6 10 LMP2 ORECA07 WEC 2 06:01:50.227 154 laps / 0 cuts 02:06.802
Tyre: M
02:11.040 10 (+1 after session)
7 11 LMP2 Dallara P217 WEC 3 06:00:59.111 153 laps / 0 cuts 02:04.812
Tyre: M
02:08.616 10
1 12 GTE 2 - Ford GTE 2018 5 06:01:23.856 152 laps / 0 cuts 02:14.841
Tyre: S
02:16.388 2
2 13 GTE 2 - BMW M8 2018 3 06:02:01.745 152 laps / 0 cuts 02:14.364
Tyre: S
02:16.654 7 (+1 after session)
3 14 GTE 2 - Ferrari 488 GTE EVO 2019 1 06:00:41.052 148 laps / 0 cuts 02:14.953
Tyre: S
02:18.406 18 (+2 after session)
4 15 GTE 2 - Porsche RSR 2021 1 06:01:18.165 146 laps / 0 cuts 02:14.877
Tyre: S
02:18.080 19 (+7 after session)
5 17 GTE 2 - Ford GTE 2018 1 01:54:34.569 44 laps / 0 cuts 02:17.580
Tyre: S
02:26.289 12
Safety Car
1 19 ACF Safetycar - Porsche 992 Turbo S 2020 1 00:03:29.669 1 laps / 0 cuts 03:29.678
Tyre: Cup 2
00:00.000 0
Class # Name Team Car Points
LMH 1 094-PaddlUP-LMH PaddlUP Esports AC Friends Alpine A480 2022 28
2 028-EP-LMH EuroProton #2 AC Friends SCG007 LMH 23
3 995-PodPivasik-LMH PodPivasik Racing Team AC Friends Aston Martin Valkyrie AMR PRO 19
4 027-ACFSK-LMH ACFSK-EuroProton AC Friends Aston Martin Valkyrie AMR PRO 16
5 023-Rebellion-LMH Rebellion Racing AC Friends Alpine A480 2022 14
6 064-Racetech-LMH RACETECH AC Friends Toyota Hybrid GR010 2022 12
LMP2 1 313-DuckTales-LMP2 DuckTales Racing LMP2 Ligier JSP217 WEC 28
2 082-Valkyrie-LMP2 Valkyrie E-Racing #1 LMP2 ORECA07 WEC 23
3 067-Chrono-LMP2 Chrono Motorsports LMP2 Ligier JSP217 WEC 19
4 025-RaceTec-LMP2 RaceTec eSports LMP2 Dallara P217 WEC 16
5 078-Valkyrie-LMP2 Valkyrie E-Racing #2 LMP2 ORECA07 WEC 14
6 555-BrakingPoint-LMP2 TryHard Racing LMP2 ORECA07 WEC 12
7 802-FLODT-LMP2 FLODT Racing LMP2 Dallara P217 WEC 10
GTE 1 037-Rennwerk-GTE Rennwerk Racing #1 GTE 2 - Ford GTE 2018 28
2 666-Rowe-GTE Rowe Racing GTE 2 - BMW M8 2018 23
3 005-Deak-GTE Deak Motorsport GTE 2 - Ferrari 488 GTE EVO 2019 19
4 097-DempseyProton-GTE Dempsey Proton Competition GTE 2 - Porsche RSR 2021 16
5 014-Argentina-GTE Argentina Racing GTE 2 - Ford GTE 2018 14
Safety Car 1 SC ACF Safetycar - Porsche 992 Turbo S 2020 0
Nurburgring - GP (GT) OSRW, Germany
Not started
  • Practice : 55 minutes
  • Qualifying : 60 minutes
  • Race : 360 minutes
ks_nurburgring layout_gp_b_osrw
GP Endurance - Portimao 2021, Portugal
Completed on Saturday, December 10, 2022 10:47 PM (CET)
  • Practice : 3 minutes
  • Qualifying : 60 minutes
  • Race : 360 minutes
  • LMH Winner
  • LMP2 Winner
  • GTE Winner
Best Qualifying
LMP2: 313-DuckTales-LMP2

Fastest Lap
LMP2: 313-DuckTales-LMP2

Most Laps Led
LMP2: 313-DuckTales-LMP2


View detailed results breakdown for this Session

# Name Car Best Practice Lap Average Lap Laps
1 LMP2 Ligier JSP217 WEC 01:37.275
Tyre: M
01:37.275 2 laps / 0 cuts

View detailed results breakdown for this Session

Class # Overall # Name Team Car Qualifying Time Average Lap Laps
1 1 AC Friends SCG007 LMH 01:29.081
Tyre: M
01:36.942 11 laps / 0 cuts
2 2 AC Friends Aston Martin Valkyrie AMR PRO 01:29.264
Tyre: M
01:39.669 11 laps / 2 cuts
3 3 AC Friends SCG007 LMH 01:29.918
Tyre: M
01:36.670 12 laps / 1 cuts
4 4 AC Friends Alpine A480 2022 01:30.198
Tyre: M
01:37.376 10 laps / 1 cuts
1 5 LMP2 Ligier JSP217 WEC 01:33.714
Tyre: M
01:34.263 8 laps / 2 cuts
2 6 LMP2 ORECA07 WEC 01:34.364
Tyre: M
01:43.153 10 laps / 0 cuts
3 7 LMP2 Dallara P217 WEC 01:34.703
Tyre: M
01:44.349 11 laps / 2 cuts
4 8 LMP2 ORECA07 WEC 01:34.774
Tyre: M
01:41.272 12 laps / 2 cuts
5 9 RaceTec eSports LMP2 Dallara P217 WEC 01:35.038
Tyre: M
01:39.168 8 laps / 1 cuts
6 10 LMP2 Ligier JSP217 WEC 01:35.390
Tyre: M
01:52.905 11 laps / 5 cuts
7 11 LMP2 ORECA07 WEC 01:35.503
Tyre: M
01:40.371 11 laps / 1 cuts
1 12 GTE 2 - Chevrolet Corvette C8R 2020 01:39.015
Tyre: S
01:40.922 8 laps / 1 cuts
2 13 GTE 2 - Porsche RSR 2021 01:39.935
Tyre: S
01:40.310 10 laps / 2 cuts
3 14 GTE 2 - Ford GTE 2018 01:40.440
Tyre: S
01:44.425 8 laps / 1 cuts
4 15 GTE 2 - Ferrari 488 GTE EVO 2019 01:40.710
Tyre: S
01:45.605 7 laps / 3 cuts
5 16 GTE 2 - BMW M8 2018 01:42.752
Tyre: S
01:43.210 5 laps / 3 cuts

View detailed results breakdown for this Session

Class # Overall # Name Team Car Gained/Lost Total Race Time Num Laps Best Lap Average Clean Lap Collisions
1 1 AC Friends SCG007 LMH 06:00:12.780 224 laps / 10 cuts 01:30.022
Tyre: M
01:32.126 1 (+7 after session)
2 2 AC Friends Alpine A480 2022 2 06:01:23.246 223 laps / 23 cuts 01:30.450
Tyre: M
01:32.030 5
3 3 AC Friends Aston Martin Valkyrie AMR PRO 1 06:00:18.420 219 laps / 9 cuts 01:30.322
Tyre: M
01:33.168 4
4 4 AC Friends SCG007 LMH 1 06:00:28.651 217 laps / 16 cuts 01:30.695
Tyre: M
01:34.233 8
1 5 LMP2 Ligier JSP217 WEC 06:01:03.926 212 laps / 9 cuts 01:33.051
Tyre: M
01:35.258 2
2 6 LMP2 ORECA07 WEC 06:00:55.825 210 laps / 2 cuts 01:34.768
Tyre: M
01:36.818 6
3 7 LMP2 ORECA07 WEC 4 06:01:05.594 209 laps / 8 cuts 01:35.727
Tyre: M
01:37.447 1
4 8 LMP2 ORECA07 WEC 06:00:58.363 208 laps / 30 cuts 01:34.652
Tyre: M
01:37.478 19 (+1 after session)
5 9 RaceTec eSports LMP2 Dallara P217 WEC 06:00:34.169 206 laps / 21 cuts 01:35.137
Tyre: M
01:37.717 27
6 10 LMP2 Ligier JSP217 WEC 06:00:50.461 205 laps / 30 cuts 01:35.346
Tyre: M
01:38.284 5
7 13 LMP2 Dallara P217 WEC 6 06:01:52.414 203 laps / 20 cuts 01:34.639
Tyre: M
01:37.837 16
1 11 GTE 2 - Chevrolet Corvette C8R 2020 1 06:01:51.693 205 laps / 14 cuts 01:40.093
Tyre: S
01:41.856 9 (+7 after session)
2 12 GTE 2 - Porsche RSR 2021 1 06:00:27.467 203 laps / 22 cuts 01:40.099
Tyre: S
01:41.688 4
3 14 GTE 2 - Ferrari 488 GTE EVO 2019 1 06:01:37.044 196 laps / 40 cuts 01:41.415
Tyre: S
01:45.367 13
4 15 GTE 2 - BMW M8 2018 1 06:00:47.688 195 laps / 50 cuts 01:42.730
Tyre: S
01:45.697 7
5 16 GTE 2 - Ford GTE 2018 2 03:12:50.578 107 laps / 7 cuts 01:41.506
Tyre: S
01:43.003 6
Class # Name Team Car Points
LMH 1 028-EP-LMH EuroProton #2 AC Friends SCG007 LMH 28
2 023-Rebellion-LMH Rebellion Racing AC Friends Alpine A480 2022 23
3 027-ACFSK-LMH ACFSK-EuroProton AC Friends Aston Martin Valkyrie AMR PRO 19
4 428-Bejauoi-LMH Bejauoi Racing AC Friends SCG007 LMH 16
LMP2 1 313-DuckTales-LMP2 DuckTales Racing LMP2 Ligier JSP217 WEC 28
2 082-Valkyrie-LMP2 Valkyrie E-Racing #1 LMP2 ORECA07 WEC 23
3 502-Heineken-LMP2 Heineken Racing Team LMP2 ORECA07 WEC 19
4 078-Valkyrie-LMP2 Valkyrie E-Racing #2 LMP2 ORECA07 WEC 16
5 550-Skywalker-LMP2 RaceTec eSports LMP2 Dallara P217 WEC 14
6 883-Aero-LMP2 Aero Racing Team LMP2 Ligier JSP217 WEC 12
7 802-FLODT-LMP2 FLODT Racing LMP2 Dallara P217 WEC 10
GTE 1 052-WATT-GTE WATT-EuroProton GTE 2 - Chevrolet Corvette C8R 2020 28
2 097-DempseyProton-GTE Dempsey Proton Competition GTE 2 - Porsche RSR 2021 23
3 005-Deak-GTE Deak Motorsport GTE 2 - Ferrari 488 GTE EVO 2019 19
4 187-Ruhrpott-GTE Ruhrpott Racing Team GTE 2 - BMW M8 2018 16
5 037-Rennwerk-GTE Rennwerk Racing #1 GTE 2 - Ford GTE 2018 14
Imola ACF, Italy
Not started
  • Practice : 55 minutes
  • Qualifying : 55 minutes
  • Race : 240 minutes
imola imola_acf